TF113 | Spouses | Big Sky, MT


A note from the Task Force Director…

As Nancy Reagan put it, she was the emotional caretaker of her husband so that he could care for the nation. This may be true for SOF wives as well, but they were not here because of their husbands. They were here because they each have personally sacrificed and we owe them our gratitude. They responded throughout the week with surprise that Americans thought about them and cared to serve them.

None of us knew each other before this Task Force. The five women on this task force showed up with a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. None had been to Montana, some are first generation Americans, some are mothers, esteemed professionals, and small business owners. This week came amidst juggling their many roles. Some had been anticipating and preparing for the week, and some didn't have much capacity to do so. Some hugged their families goodbye and others took a cab to the airport because their husbands are deployed. Each of these women are fiercely independent and self-sufficient yet fight tenaciously for their marriages and their families with genuine selflessness. 

Each woman showed up despite hesitation, engaged in experiences they wouldn't have tried on their own, and challenged themselves physically, mentally, and socially. We skied and snowmobiled, rode chair lifts for the first time, shared meals, laughter, and intentional conversations each evening. As each day went by we grew closer knit in our love and friendship for each other. This Task Force was an exchange in sharing of our lives, and it's the honor of a lifetime to know them, as you'll see from their own words below. As one of the women said, "My cup is now filled so that I can pour into my community from the overflow."


Crystal Kramer
Task Force 113 Director

Volunteers to Thank:

  • Crystal Kramer (Task Force Director)

  • Mitch Immenchuh

  • Tara Hines

Patriots to thank:

  • Canyon Adventures

  • Marci Gehring

  • Wild Alaskan Salmon

  • Matt Kidd

  • Big Sky Resort

  • Reset Big Sky

  • Melissa Culver

  • MTNTOUGH Fitness Lab

  • ANTHEM Snacks

  • Wild Society Coffee

"I went into the week full of emotions and thoughts – introversion, second guessing if I should be taking this trip – and exited the week feeling ten times more emotions – gratefulness, overwhelmed by generosity and support, love for new lifelong friends. 

I had no idea how many people care about our community and recognize there is still a lot of work being done around the world and the family hardships that comes with that. 

The generosity and appreciation that came in so many different forms throughout the week felt so genuine, and I will never forget it. Everyone connected to Big Sky Brave lives up to the motto “Give more than you take.” 

Getting pushed out of my comfort zone on an interpersonal level, as well as physical and mental levels on the mountain, and seeing how I came out better on the other side was an unexpected, intangible gift to which I will hold on tight for the rest of my life and reach for it when things get tough.  

I will always have love and appreciation for Big Sky Bravery, the financial donors, the people who volunteered their time and services, and for all the women of TF113.  Thank you.


“As I reflect on my time with BSB, I am overcome with emotion. All the good emotions.

I have never been showered with such hospitality, generosity and appreciation.

Our family has had the privilege of serving our great nation for 20 years with zero expectations of anything in return. However, to be recognized in such a manner that BSB has is truly life-changing.

It makes me so happy and proud knowing that patriotism is not lost. 

My cup is filled and I am leaving a better person, spouse, mother…American.  I have so much gratitude for every person, family and business that has contributed to my experience through the generosity of their time and resources.

This organization has inspired me to give more than I receive. I am excited to witness the domino effect. This life is not easy, but it is worth it to know that we are supported by our fellow Americans.

You have positively impacted my life and the course of my family’s future.

This once-in-a-lifetime experience will forever be woven into the fabric of my life. I am truly better because of it and through it.


“Thanks to Big Sky Bravery, I was able to take a much-needed break from the demands of military life. This trip not only provided relaxation but also allowed me to temporarily leave behind the weight of responsibilities that come with being a military spouse. I'm incredibly grateful to Big Sky Bravery for giving me and spouses like me this opportunity to reconnect and rejuvenate.

Thank you! 


“Big Sky Bravery was a very positive and connecting experience.

I enjoyed time skiing, snowmobiling, and recharging. Some of the moments I took back with me are memories and gifts that were thoughtful and personalized. The leaders were nonjudgmental, kind, fun, and genuine.


“My week with Big Sky Bravery was such an unforgettable experience.

I have never felt such genuine generosity, love, and support.

I was surrounded by such strong, unique, amazing women, while taking in the stunning beauty of Montana. I made friendships that I’m confident will last a lifetime. I cannot express the gratitude I have for this experience, which I will treasure for the rest of my life.



TF114 | Big Sky, MT


New Board Member | Wayne Kocourek