TF115 | Big Sky, MT

A note from the Task Force Director…

To All Who Support,

Task Force 115 is complete.  To think just a few weeks before TF 115 we were huddling to devise alternate courses of action due to the less than stellar mid winter snow cover.  In the days that followed Mother Nature and Montana came to the rescue laying the backdrop for 5 incredible patriots to come enjoy everything Montana has to offer.  

Snow fell, the mountain and sled trails were renewed then, just in time to pick up our recipients, the clouds cleared.  Driving out of the airport the ranges on both ends of the valley were clear, the sun shone and our crew was able to take in the true beauty of the landscape.

We spent time together on the ski hill, the men came with all experience levels from beginner to advanced.  The joy on their faces was indescribable.   Sometimes we forget the healing power of nature, decompression through recreation and camaraderie…seeing is believing.  It is our privilege, as volunteers, to convey to you the transformative healing power of the time and resources you contribute to Big Sky Bravery.  This is a tall order, which I’ll attempt, knowing the words will fall short. 

Throughout the week I watched these men take time to clear their minds.  To share things they’ve never told a soul, to bond, to heal, to cry, to remember why they have given their entire adult lives to the noble cause they pursue…in service to us.  It is with a grateful and humble heart that I tell you the impact on these men is both immense and immeasurable.  I witnessed men arrive with their personal cup lacking, with inhibitions and worries…they left Montana renewed, with a full cup, a new found sense of purpose rooted in intentionality.  Fortunately you don’t have to rely on my words alone. 

Take the time to read the testimonials. In doing so, you will better understand the impact of your intentional decision to champion and fund Big Sky Bravery. 

With sincere gratitude, thank you. 


Mike Vint
Task Force 115 Director

Volunteers to Thank:

  • Mike Vint (Task Force Director)

  • Charlie Johnson

  • Craig Francis

Patriots to Thank:

  • The Pagelow Family

  • Big Sky Resort

  • Canyon Adventures

  • PEAK Skis

  • SITKA Gear

  • ANTHEM Snacks

  • Wild Society Coffee

“The last 15 years of my life have been human conflict and destruction.
I have lived through another man’s wars.
And every night, in the quiet of my own heart,
I am still fighting and losing my own.

Big Sky Bravery created an environment of stability and security, allowing me time to heal and grow my inner man.
They fed, clothed, and sheltered me.
I arrived a stranger in Montana, and I left with family and purpose.
My cup is filled, and my heart is sustained.

Thank you for what you have done for my brothers and me.


“Dear BSB Family,

Words cannot express the profound impact my experience with Big Sky Bravery has had on me.

BSB offers something truly unique: a chance to connect with those who understand the unique challenges and rewards of our chosen paths. 

Following the encouragement to fully embrace the process, I was rewarded tenfold with a surge of empathy and wisdom, and highlighted areas where I can nurture important relationships outside of work.  Between the incredible volunteers, the breathtaking adventures, and the genuine camaraderie within Task Force 115, I forged new friendships and reconnected with myself.

I can’t thank you enough for this incredible opportunity.  I am immensely grateful for the relationships I've built and the renewed sense of purpose I've gained. 

It's a program that demonstrably strengthens participants and their families in the face of the unique stressors we endure. 

In our line of work, we strive to be silent professionals and may forget what it is like to feel appreciated; it is comforting to know that there are great Americans out there who genuinely care about us.   

A special note to the dedicated volunteers, donors, and the entire BSB community:  Your selfless commitment is truly inspiring and admirable.  You embody the spirit of "giving more than you take," and for that, we are eternally grateful.

With heartfelt thanks,


"As a military guy, I have traveled the world. I have seen both austere and serene landscapes, but I was not prepared for the breathtaking beauty and camaraderie I experienced during my week with Big Sky Bravery in Montana's majestic Big Sky country with TF115.

When I left the airport in Bozeman, Montana, I was struck by the vastness of the sky and snowy peaks. It was a big blue day, and the crisp mountain air that seemed to invigorate every fiber of my being.

I did not know that any part of our country was so beautiful.

From the adrenaline of snowboarding down the slopes to the thrill of racing over deep meadows on snowmobiles, every moment was a reminder of the uncanny natural wonders that our nation has to offer.

But it wasn't just the landscape that left me in awe; I was stunned by the warmth and generosity of the people of Big Sky Bravery, TF115 crew, and the other supporters. Surrounded by fellow military men and volunteers, I felt a sense of belonging and kinship that was more than just our shared military background. Whether we were swapping stories by the fireside, tackling new challenges together on the slopes, or digging out snowmobiles from 3 feet of snow, I forged friendships that I know will last a lifetime.

Even still, during some of the excitement and adventure, I found moments of quiet reflection that allowed me to learn more about myself.

In the middle of the open sky and endless mountains, I discovered new strengths and passions that I never knew existed.

Those were deepened by our conversations at the dinner table. I pushed myself beyond my comfort zone, physically, mentally, and emotionally, and emerged with a renewed sense of purpose. Thanks for giving me that.

But the biggest impact of my time with Big Sky Bravery was the deepened sense of patriotism and love for our nation.

While zipping through the snow I felt free. And that gave me a huge sense of pride in being a part of something greater than myself. My time with TF115 and at BSB really showed my what we fight for. 

To the team at Big Sky Bravery, I could never say thank you enough for the truly unforgettable and life-altering week that you gave me and my fellow servicemembers. Your extremely thoughtful support and dedication to our military community is truly inspiring, and I am so deeply grateful for the opportunity to experience the beauty of Big Sky country and the warmth of your hospitality.

Thank you for reminding me of the incredible passion and generosity that defines our nation and for giving me memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Know that my fellow service members are going back to our families and our places of work fully revitalized. Thanks.


“I don’t know how to properly express my appreciation for BSB.  There are simply no words that can describe the overwhelming feeling of gratitude I took away from this experience.  But I will try my best…

Everyone knows the feeling of going to see a movie that gets so overhyped that when you finally see it, inevitably it’s disappointing. I had talked to more than a couple friends at my unit that had been to BSB, and even my own wife who had done a spouse TF. They all said the same things to me: incredible, life-changing, emotionally healing, best experience of their life, etc.  So when I arrived the first day, it wasn’t that I was skeptical about having a great experience, but I did in the back of my mind prepare myself that it could be somewhat of a let down due to the hype.

Not only did it live up to the hype, it changed my life. 

I had only been back in the States for 4 days when I went to BSB (my wife insisted).  Each return from subsequent deployments seems to get a little harder.  Seems to take a little longer to feel like a husband and dad again. This return from deployment was trending hard in that direction. I was struggling to feel like a normal human being period. 

Since returning from BSB not only do I feel like a husband and father again, I genuinely feel happy to be myself again for the first time in I can’t remember when.

I will be eternally grateful for this experience.  Thank you to my new brothers, Mike, Craig, Charlie, The Men of Character at TF115, and all of the donors that made this possible.


“The Big Sky Bravery experience has left me full of gratitude, humility, and appreciation.

This weeklong foray in trust, decompression, engagement, and brotherhood was exactly what I needed to responsibly begin to close one chapter of my life and prepare to transition to the next chapter.

As I get ready to hang up my uniform 25 years after raising my right hand to support and defend our Constitution, the week with Big Sky Bravery was almost too much to put into words. The love and devotion of American patriot volunteers and donors who sacrificed their time, facilities, and resources was overwhelming.

Unsure of what this week with BSB would entail, it felt surreal to be on the receiving end of airline tickets, lodging, home-baked desserts, clothing, swag bags, skiing gear, snowmobiles, freshly prepared meals, lift tickets, camaraderie, and friendship. For a group that is devoted to service in defense of the Nation, it was initially awkward to be told to decompress, relax, and refrain from assisting with cooking, cleaning, driving, or paying for anything, but our TF lead volunteers Mike, Charlie, and Craig made us feel at home and respectfully chastised us whenever we strayed from their request. From the moment we set foot in Montana, our TF volunteers pampered, catered, and led us on an epic adventure that was full of outdoor physical activities and evening bonding, brotherhood, and engagement via facilitated discussions.

An unexpectedly value-added aspect was the nightly roundtable discussions focusing on guided group discourse. I found these evenings extremely beneficial as they afforded opportunities to share vulnerabilities with peers, teammates, and like-minded great Americans. Mike, Charlie, and Craig created a safe space for all of us to self-reflect, share experiences, and mentor one another as we worked through thematic daily questions written on a board each day at breakfast. The beautiful Montana mountains provided an absolutely breathtaking backdrop as we pondered each daily question while shredding the slopes or wrestling snowmobiles prior to engaging as a tight-knit team to share our perspectives. I can say without a doubt that this experience made me a better husband, father, uncle, son, brother, and teammate.

Through Big Sky Bravery, I’m a better version of myself,

and also gained 8 life-long friends to lean on, learn from, and grow with as we continue forward through life’s journey.



TF116 | Big Sky, MT


Family Task Force 9